Heavy Metal Cellular Detoxification
Heavy Metal Cellular Detoxification

Our bodies are perfectly made and equipped with the power to heal itself! With the right tools, you can empower yourself to release your body’s innate ability to repair itself.
After cleaning your soul and eating the right food, you may start to wonder what’s next in your journey towards holistic healing. Well, it is time to clean up all of the harmful debris that are left in your body.
When you clean up your home, it is not enough to just sweep the floors; you also have to pick up some of the dirt and throw them away. Otherwise, you will end up with partially cleaned floors with a pile of dirt. The same idea holds true for your body. After sweeping most of the dirt away from your body, it is now time to pick up the debris and get rid of them all.
We do not want to recirculate toxins in our bodies. This is what we call autointoxication, or not properly getting rid of the toxins. Chlorella, spirulina, cilantro, and other natural detoxifying food are not enough to get into the cell to grab the toxins, bind them, and excrete them. By detoxifying at the cellular level, you will be giving your body the miraculous gift of healing itself.
Why did the Israelites circulate the desert for 40 years? They couldn’t get rid of the excess dirt that they accumulated and refused to do away with their heavy baggage. It took 2 young and brave men to show them the way to the promised land.
Just like those young men, we too will help you eliminate the misconceptions and wrong practices that other programs have been preaching for years. Through guidance, we will gently bring your body to its perfect homeostasis, thus enabling you to live the life you were designed to fulfill!
The Cellular Detox road map was designed to prepare and support your body through a natural detoxification process. There are 3 main components to Cellular Detox:
- Remove the Source
- Regenerate the Cell Membrane
- Restoring Cellular Energy
- Reducing Inflammation
- Reestablishing Methylation
2. Prepare the body by opening up the detox pathways in the lymph, kidneys, liver and gut.
3. Use true binders to remove toxins from the cell so that we are not causing autointoxication.
All the products we use are designed and centered to improve your natural cellular detox pathways. The ingredients are designed to target the cell membrane, cell energy, intracellular glutathione and methylation.
Our main goal is to get to the cell through our proprietary products that are able to enter the cell and safely pull toxins, thus enabling your body to safely and effectively excrete years of accumulated debris!
Our unique approach to your entire body’s health helps treat all of the following health conditions*:
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Autism
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Thyroid Disease
- Depression and Anxiety
- Autoimmune Conditions
- Skin Conditions
- Heavy Metal Toxicity
- Certain Cancers
- PCOS and Infertility
- Weight Management
- And Many More!
*Our programs are not meant to replace the advice of medical professionals.

Our Detox Programs

Heavy Metal Cellular Detox Program
This is a 3-month program for the cellular detoxification of heavy metals, mold, and other environmental toxins from your body. In this program, you will learn the art of detoxifying safely and effectively through an online portal.
- Description
- Prep Phase — 30 day supply
- Body Phase — 30 day supply
- Brain Phase — 30 day supply
- 1 Bottle of Cytodetox — 30 day supply
Note: This program is not for pregnant or nursing moms. If you have a diagnosis of a major health crisis, please consult your doctor before starting this program.
TCD Heavy Metal Detox 3 months Program.pdf

Heavy Metal Cellular Detox Ultimate Program
(Does Not Include Cost of Supplements)
This is an 8-month program for individuals that are dealing with a health crisis and need one on one approach and coaching throughout the program. This includes:
- Calcium Ion Therapy
- Emotional Detox Coaching Healing Program
- Emotional Detox Workbook
- Gut Restoration Protocol
- Parasite Cleanse
- Ketogenic Nutrition Coaching Program
- Ketogenic Nutrition Program Guide
- Heavy Metal Detoxification Coaching Program
- Heavy Metal Detox Portal Access (online training)
Note: This program is not for pregnant or nursing moms. If you have a diagnosis of a major health crisis, please consult your doctor before starting this program.